Orthodontist Cannes – Dr Hayat Steven – Invisalign® Treatment

What are the Potential Benefits or Advantages of Orthodontics ?

Although the main motivation for patients when considering orthodontic treatment is often to improve aesthetics, the benefits they will get from it goes far beyond a beautiful smile and straight teeth. By properly aligning teeth, lips and jaws, orthodontics can help improve self-esteem and facial aesthetics. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean and maintain, which can help prevent the development of dental caries, gum disease and bone destruction around the teeth that can lead to the possible loss of teeth. Functional gains or function improvement can be just as important by minimizing :

– the chances of premature wear and tooth fracture ;
– the difficultés chewing and digestion products ;
– the appearance of disorders of the jaw joint ;
– some speech problems.

In short, orthodontics… will bring you more than just straight teeth !